Wednesday, February 25, 2009

AZDS Provides Green Solution for the NBA

Greetings all,

So much has changed since our last update. In December, we were contacted by the NBA, yes, National Basketball Association, to help them with a single night event. They wanted AZ Docushred to recycle all the material produced from the event. We recycled plastic bottles, aluminum cans, cardboard, and food scraps. Our backend recyclers were readily available to handle the output, but the food scraps were a challenge. We found a hog/goat rescue farm to take the food scraps. Commercial farms could not take it.

A few days after we solidified the one night event, the NBA called and wanted AZDS to handle the entire Block Party from pre-event to post-event. This was for the NBA All Star week in mid February. We setup five recycle stations in the same manner as the Friday night event, staffed them, and sorted the material. The NBA sent glowing remarks on the execution and how clean we kept the Block Party.

Overall, the Friday night event resulted in only 33% going to the landfill. The other 67% was recycled accordingly. The Block Party did not show the favorable results we anticpated. 32% was recycled and the other 68% went to the landfill.

We are now a "green" company that has the NBA as a client. Toodles.

1 comment:

SariJ said...

Great post! As someone who tries very hard to live lightly on the land I am impressed by your drive and ambition. I would love to have a personal zero tolerance someday.
Keep up the good work!!
