Friday, January 23, 2009

Green Status Update

Hope everyone is having a good start to the new year. With our new president taking bold actions in his first week, things look promising. Lisa and I feel the same with AZ Docushred. The past month has left us believing that there are people like us who want to succeed, are not afraid to work hard, and network like crazy. We have a lot of pokers in the fire.

We secured a 2 good size contracts for our recycling services for a large client in February. This will stretch us to implement good planning and execution. We have been asked to go from start to finish to make sure all recycable material does not go into the landfill. AZDS is truly standing by our Zero Landfill policy.

AZDS is starting to work with organic farms to see if there is market for compost/soil generation for them to use. Also, we are looking at pulerizing glass for other uses as well.

Signing off and will write soon.

1 comment:

LRP said...

Speaking of Zero Landfill, earlier this Jan. AZ Docushred (AZDS) sponsored 3 different Shred-a-thons around the valley.

Collectively AZDS pulled in just a little under 10 tons of old documents. While 10 tons of paper waste may not seem like an large amount in comparison to an entire landfill full of "stuff" it is part of what we are doing to lessen the amount of waste that is landfill bound.

All documents were shred and recycled! Our process puts us at the front end of the supply chain for recycled paper products.